Account Management

Customer Accounts APIs help users get all the accounts associated with their customer in a single call. You can enhance the customer experience by providing them with the most updated balance. Besides, you can further add value by tracking payment transactions related to these individual accounts.

The following supported API functions helps you to understand the current customer accounts capabilities exposed via APIs:

  1. Search Customer Account
  2. Create Customer Account
  3. Get Customer Account
  4. Update Customer Account
  5. Delete Customer Account

Supported Customer Accounts API functions

Search Customer Account

GET /customers/{customerUID}/accounts

HTTP Method: GET

Description - Sending a GET request to the Search Customers Account Endpoint will allow users to search for customer accounts using parameters customerUID, accountType, and others. This can be used to search the details of customers' accounts registered with the corporate entity. The details will be provided in bulk and not specific. All the request parameters and objects are specified below:

Request Parameters

Customer UID must be passed in the path of the API request to search for customers. Rest of the parameters are optional

Name In Data Type Required Description
customerUID path string true
accountType query string false Type of Customer Account
status query string false

currency query string false Customer ID
wireEnabled query string false none
accountNumber query string false Federal Tax ID

JSON Response

A successful GET request to this endpoint returns the following data -

  "status": "Success or Failure",
  "code": "ACC001 etc.",
  "message": "Failed to get an account: ",
  "data": [
      "accountUID": "100100",
      "name": "Checking",
      "accountNumber": "1122345",
      "fboAccountNumber": "2233445",
      "type": "DEPOSIT or LOAN",
      "subType": "Checking, Saving, Psuedo",
      "systemOfRecord": "Other Core or External",
      "balanceType": "DDA etc.",
      "ledgerBalance": "24000.00",
      "availableBalance": "25000.00",
      "availableBalanceStatus": "NSF",
      "amountPrecision": "string",
      "currency": "USD",
      "country": "UNITED STATE OF AMERICA etc.",
      "bankId": "11223498",
      "bankName": "Chase etc.",
      "bankIdType": "By ABA or By Address",
      "enableWires": false,
      "enableOffset": false,
      "defaultOffset": false,
      "feeAccount": false,
      "returnAccount": false,
      "status": "Active etc.",
      "externalAccount": {
        "externalProvider": "Plaid",
        "externalId": "1234567",
        "externalAuthToken": "1234567"
Name Type Required Restrictions Description
status string false none Status of the API request either it will be a success or a failure
code string false none Code associated with the error.
message string false none Error message corresponding to the error code indicating the issue in API call and an indication on how to resolve it.
data [CustomerBankAccount] false none none

Customer Bank Account

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
accountUID string false none Account unique identifier assigned by the system
name string false none Account Name
accountNumber string false none Account Number
fboAccountNumber string false none FBO Account Number
type string false none Account Type
subType string false none Account Type
systemOfRecord string false none Identifier of the system of record
balanceType string false none Account balance type in the bank core system
ledgerBalance string false none Account ledger balance amount in the bank core system
availableBalance string false none Account balance amount in the bank core system
availableBalanceStatus string false none Account balance status in the bank core system
amountPrecision string false none Amount amountPrecision
currency string false none Currency code is ISO format
country string false none Country name
bankId string false none Bank routing number
bankName string false none Name of the bank associated with the bankId
bankIdType string false none Bank identifier type
enableWires boolean false none Wire status
enableOffset boolean false none Whether the accountNumber is a Offset account
defaultOffset boolean false none Default offset account
feeAccount boolean false none Whether the accountNumber is a Fee account
returnAccount boolean false none Whether the accountNumber is a Return account
status string false none Account Status
externalAccount AccountExternal false none none

Create Customer Account

POST /customers/{customerUID}/accounts


Description - Sending a POST request to "/customers/{customerUID}/contacts" endpoint allows users to create new contacts for an existing customer. Corporate entities acting as customers can create contacts. Once created, they don't need to enter the details for payment/transaction purposes. It is a one-time registration for each corporate entity.

Request Parameters

The customer uid must be passed in the path of API request. In the body section must pass the details of the user account to be createds.

Name In Type Required Description
customerUID path integer true none
body body CreateAccountRequest true Account Info

JSON Response

A successful POST request to this endpoint returns the following data -

Response Code - 200

  "status": "Success or Failure",
  "code": "ACC001 etc.",
  "message": "Failed to create an account: ",
  "data": {
    "accountUID": "string",
    "externalReferenceId": "string"
Name Type Required Restrictions Description
status string false none Status of the API request either it will be a success or a failure
code string false none Code associated with the error.
message string false none Error message corresponding to the error code indicating the issue in API call and an indication on how to resolve it.
data CreateAccountResponse_data false none none

Create Account Response Data

  "accountUID": "string",
  "externalReferenceId": "string"
Name Type Required Restrictions Description
accountUUID string false none none
externalReferenceId string false none none

Get Customers

GET /customers/{customerUID}/accounts/{accountUID}

HTTP Method: GET

Description - Sending a GET request to /customers/{customerUID}/accounts/{accountUID} endpoint allows users to retrieve a customer account associated with parameters including customerUID and accountUID. All parameters and objects are specified below -

Request Parameters

Two parameters need to be passed in the path of the API request, customerUID and account UID of the user registered with customer/corporate.

Name In Data Type Required Description
customerUID path string true none
accountUID path string true none
includeAccountBalance query string false


page query string false none
limit query string false none

JSON Response

A successful GET request to this endpoint returns the following data -

Response Code - 200

  "status": "Success or Failure",
  "code": "ACC001 etc.",
  "message": "Failed to get an account: ",
  "data": {
    "accountUID": "100100",
    "name": "Checking",
    "accountNumber": "1122345",
    "fboAccountNumber": "2233445",
    "type": "DEPOSIT or LOAN",
    "subType": "Checking, Saving, Psuedo",
    "systemOfRecord": "Other Core or External",
    "balanceType": "DDA etc.",
    "ledgerBalance": "24000.00",
    "availableBalance": "25000.00",
    "availableBalanceStatus": "NSF",
    "amountPrecision": "string",
    "currency": "USD",
    "country": "UNITED STATE OF AMERICA etc.",
    "bankId": "11223498",
    "bankName": "Chase etc.",
    "bankIdType": "By ABA or By Address",
    "enableWires": false,
    "enableOffset": false,
    "defaultOffset": false,
    "feeAccount": false,
    "returnAccount": false,
    "status": "Active etc.",
    "externalAccount": {
      "externalProvider": "Plaid",
      "externalId": "1234567",
      "externalAuthToken": "1234567"
Name Type Required Restrictions Description
status string false none Status of the API request either it will be a success or a failure
code string false none Code associated with the error.
message string false none Error message corresponding to the error code indicating the issue in API call and an indication on how to resolve it.
data CustomerBankAccount false none none

Update Customer Account

PUT /customers/{customerUID}/accounts/{accountUID}

HTTP Method: PUT

Description - Sending a PUT request to /customers/{customerUID}/accounts/{accountUID} endpoint with parameters including customerUID and accountUID allows users to update customer accounts. All parameters and objects are specified below:

Request Parameters

Two parameters need to be passed in the path of the API request, customerUID and account UID of the user registered with customer/corporate. Body section will include the details of the user account which we want to update.

Name In Type Required Description
customerUID path string true none
accountUID path string true none
body body UpdateAccountRequest true Account Info

JSON Response

A successful request to this endpoint returns the following data -

Response Code - 200

  "status": "Success or Failure",
  "code": "ACC001 etc.",
  "message": "Failed to update an account: ",
  "data": {
    "accountUID": "string",
    "externalReferenceId": "string"
Name Type Required Restrictions Description
status string false none Status of the API request either it will be a success or a failure
code string false none Code associated with the error.
message string false none Error message corresponding to the error code indicating the issue in API call and an indication on how to resolve it.
data UpdateAccountResponse_data false none none

Update Account Response data

  "accountUID": "string",
  "externalReferenceId": "string"
Name Type Required Restrictions Description
accountUUID string false none Account unique identifier assigned by the system
externalReferenceId string false none none

Delete Customer Account

DELETE /customers/{customerUID}/accounts/{accountUID}


Description - Sending a DELETE request to the /customers/{customerUID}/accounts/{accountUID} endpoint with parameters including CustomerUID and AccountUID allows users to delete a customer account. All parameters and objects are specified below:

Request Parameters

Two parameters need to be passed in the path of the API request, customerUID and account UID of the user registered with customer/corporate to delete the account.

Name In Type Required Description
customerUID path string true none
accountUID path string true none

JSON Response

A successful DELETE request to this endpoint will return the following data -

Response Code - 200

  "status": "Success or Failure",
  "code": "ACC001 etc.",
  "message": "Failed to update an account: ",
  "data": {
    "accountUID": "string",
    "externalReferenceId": "string"
Name Type Required Restrictions Description
status string false none Status of the API request either it will be a success or a failure
code string false none Code associated with the error.
message string false none Error message corresponding to the error code indicating the issue in API call and an indication on how to resolve it.
data UpdateAccountResponse_data false none none

Update Account Response data

  "accountUID": "string",
  "externalReferenceId": "string"
Name Type Required Restrictions Description
accountUUID string false none Account unique identifier assigned by the system
externalReferenceId string false none none