How to schedule a recurring payout

You the can schedule a recurring payment using the following simple steps

Step 1: Identify the sender bank account (funding) unique identifier (accountUID)

Execute the below API to get the accountUID (Unique Identifier) associated with the sender bank account.

GET - {{URL}}/customers/{{customerUID}}/accounts?accountNumber={{accountNumber}}


  • customer_UID: This is the unique ID associated with customer.
  • account_Number: This is the sender's (funding) bank account number.

JSON Response

    "status": "Success",
    "data": {
        "accountUID": 58,
        "name": "Test DDA Account 1",
        "accountNumber": "****0001",
        "fboAccountNumber": "",
        "type": "DEPOSIT",
        "subType": "CHECKING",
        "systemOfRecords": "Other Core",
        "balanceType": "Available", ...

Note: Get the sender bank account ID from the "accountUID" attribute.

Step 2: Identify the receiver’s account unique identifier (contactUID)

Execute the below API to get the contactUID (Unique Identifier) associated with the receiver/beneficiary bank account.

GET - {{URL}}/customers/{{customerUID}}/contacts?accountNumber={{accountNumber}}


  • customer_UID: This is the unique ID associated with the customer.
  • account_Number: This is the bank account number.

Bank Account Response:

    "status": "Success",
    "code": null,
    "message": null,
    "pagination": {
        "totalRecords": 1,
        "returnedRecords": 1,
        "pageReturned": 0,
        "pageSize": 1
    "data": [
            "externalReferenceId": null,
            "contactUID": "29",
            "templateName": "John Electric",
            "name": "John Electric LLC",
           "phoneNumber": "23499089727",
            "email": ""

Note: Get the receiver bank account ID from the “contactUID” attribute.

Step 3: Get the auth token using the "API key" and "API secret" provided by the financial institution.

[POST /auth/realms/{{TENANT-CODE}}/protocol/openid-connect/token/)]

Auth Request

curl -X POST [URL] 
-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" 
-H 'Authorization: Basic [Base64(apikey:apisecert)]' 
-d 'grant_type=client_credentials'

Auth Response

 "access_token": "",
 "expires_in": 14400,
 "refresh_expires_in": 1800,
 "token_type": "bearer",

Step 4: Execute a recurring payout.

Prepare the payment request object using the sender, receiver, recurrence information along with the speed associated with the payment.

POST /payments/creditrequest


	"externalReferenceId": "PaymentRef100",
	"paymentAmount": 100,
	"paymentCurrency": "USD",
	"speed": "Economy Plus",
	"paymentNotes": "Notes",
	"sender": {
		"accountUID": "58"
	"receiver": {
		"accountUID": "29"
	"recurrence": {
		"frequency": "Weekly",
		"numberOfPayments": 10

Note: Use the recurrence object to schedule a recurring payment

Payment Recurrence Details

Name In Type Required Description
frequency request string true Payment recurring frequency options are Daily, Weekly, BiWeekly, Monthly, Quarterly, SemiAnnual, Yearly
payUntil request string true Payment recurring options are Cancelled, EndDate, NumberOfPayments
numberOfPayments request string false This is needed only when the payUntil is set to NumberOfPayments
endDate request string false This is needed only when the payUntil is set to EndDate

Payment Speed Details

The user can define the speed of money movement as part of their preference to execute the payment. The cost of the payment depends on the sponsor bank, while the speed is setup using different parameters that correspond to different payment rails that determine how quickly money can be moved.

Speed Speed Description
Economy Regular ACH
Economy Plus Same Day ACH
Express Fedwire
Instant RTP or FedNow based upon the configuration
SPOT Spot international payment
ON Same day international payment
TN Next day international payment