Payment Webhook

Payment webhook notify whenever a payment event happens in your account. Your bank will help you setup a webhook for your accounts. The following events are sent to webhooks.

  1. Outgoing credit payment
  2. Outgoing debit payment
  3. Incoming payments
  4. Incoming drawdowns
  5. Incoming debit requests
  6. Incoming returns
  7. Incoming NOCs
  8. Incoming RFPs
Attribute Type Restrictions Notes
paymentId integer none Payment unique identifier assigned by the bankos system to the payment request.
externalReferenceId string none External reference id set by the originator/external system.
sourceReferenceId string none Unique bulk file id set by the system when the payment is originated via bulk file upload.
paymentStatus string none Payment status such as VALIDATED, VALIDATION_FAILURE, TRANSMITTED, PROCESSED, CANCELLED etc
bulkFileName string none Name of the file, if the payment is uploaded from the file to the finzly payment hub system via FTP or API channel.
counterParty string none Shortname associated with the legal entity defined in the CRM system.
deliveryDate string(date) none Delivery date refers to the date on which payment is settle
deliveryMethod string none The delivery method used to settle the payment such as ACH, WIRE, RTP,FEDNOW, SWIFT, etc.
feeAmount number(decimal) none Fee amount
paymentDate string(date) none Date on which the payment is originated in the system.
channel string none Channel represents the system that originates the payment for example API, TELLER, CASHOS, ONLINE etc.
paymentIOType string none Whether the payment is Inbound or Outbound
paymentNote1 string none Payment notes provided by the external system
paymentNote2 string none Additional payment notes
paymentRemittanceInfo string none Payment remittance information associated with the payment.
paymentType string none The payment type associated with the payment such as Same Day ACH, Regular, ACH, WIRE, SWIFT etc.
forexContract string none FX contract number associated with the SWIFT payment
paymentNocDetails Object none The purpose of a NOC to notify you that something about your customer's bank account has changed.
paymentNocDetails: nocCode string none Code associated with NOC
paymentNocDetails:originalAccountNumber string none Original account number
paymentNocDetails: correctedAccountNumber string none Corrected account number
paymentNocDetails:originalRoutingNumber string none Original routing number
paymentNocDetails: correctedRoutingNumber string none Corrected routing number
paymentNocDetails: originalTranCode string none Original tran code
paymentNocDetails: correctedTranCode string none Corrected tran code
paymentNocDetails: receivedDateTime string none NOC received date and time
imad string none It is a unique number given to each Fedwire payment. An IMAD/OMAD number can be used to investigate and track wire transfers.
omad string none It is a unique number given to each Fedwire payment. An IMAD/OMAD number can be used to investigate and track wire transfers.
receiverAccountNumber string none Account number associated with the receiver
receiverAccountType string none Receiver account type
receiverAddress1 string none Receiver address
receiverAmount number(decimal) none Payment amount received by the recipient
receiverBankName string none Recipient's bank name
receiverBankState string none Recipient's bank state
receiverDiscretionaryData string none Receiver's discretionary data
receiverEmail string(email) none Receiver's email
receiverId string none Receiver unique identifier exist in the Finzly CRM system
receiverIdType string none Receiver identifier type
receiverName string none Receiver name associated with the payment.
originalReceiverName string none The original receiver name received from the payment network for the inbound payment request.
receiverPhoneNumber string none Receiver phone number
receiverRoutingNumber string none Receiver bank routing number
receiverState string none Receiver state
receiverTemplateName string none If the template name is associated with the receiver in the payment hub system.
receiverType string none Receiver type
receiverZip string none Receiver's zipcode
ultimateReceiverName string none Ultimate receiver name is associated with the payment.
ultimateReceiverAccountNumber string none The ultimate receiver account number
ultimateReceiverAddress1 string none The ultimate receiver address 1
ultimateReceiverAddress2 string none The ultimate receiver address 2
ultimateReceiverTaxId string none The ultimate receiver tax number
ultimateReceiverCity string none The ultimate receiver city
ultimateReceiverState string none The ultimate receiver sate
ultimateReceiverZip string none The ultimate receiver zipcode
ultimateReceiverCountry string none The ultimate receiver country
senderAccountNumber string none The sender account number
senderAccountType string none The sender account type
senderAddress1 string none The sender address 1
senderAmount number(decimal) none The sender amount
senderBankName string none The sender bank name
senderBankState string none The sender bank State
senderDiscretionaryData string none The sender discretionary data
senderEmail string(email) none The sender email
senderId string none The sender unique identifier exist in the system
senderIdType string none The sender identifier type
senderName string none The sender’s name
senderRoutingNumber string none The sender routing number
senderState string none The sender state
senderType string none Type of the Sender for e.g., Corporate or Consumer
senderZip string none The sender zipcode
ultimateSenderName string none The ultimate sender’s name
ultimateSenderAccountNumber string none The ultimate sender account number
ultimateSenderAddress1 string none The ultimate sender address 1
ultimateSenderAddress2 string none The ultimate sender address 2
ultimateSenderTaxId string none The ultimate receiver tax number
ultimateSenderCity string none The ultimate sender city
ultimateSenderState string none The ultimate sender sate
ultimateSenderZip string none The ultimate sender zipcode
ultimateSenderCountry string none The ultimate sender country
bulkFileNumber integer none Bulk file number
entryType string none Whether the payment is Credit or Debit
paymentReturnDetails Object This will be populated when the payment is returned Payment returns details.
paymentReturnDetails: code string none Return code associated with the payment
paymentReturnDetails: description string none Return code description
creationDateTime string(date-time) none Date and Time payment is created
lastUpdatedTime string(date-time) none The date and Time of payment got updated last