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{- "id": 101,
- "productCode": "BBCCOO",
- "accountSubType": "Savings",
- "book": "string",
- "accountName": "test123",
- "accruedInterest": 222,
- "effectiveDate": "2024-09-01",
- "maturityDate": "2024-09-01",
- "overdraftPermitted": false,
- "overdraftLimit": "1.0",
- "enableWires": false,
- "stopWires": false,
- "collateralized": false,
- "deceasedOwner": false,
- "legalHold": false,
- "suspend": false,
- "openedBy": "test.account",
- "dateOpened": "2024-08-05",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "statementFrequency": "MONTHLY",
- "nextStatementDate": "2024-09-01",
- "offsetGL": "20718894",
- "stopDebits": false,
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- "postingDate": "2024-09-01",
- "routingNumber": "2024-09-01",
- "nextInterestPayDate": "2024-09-01",
- "error": "error",
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- "nextResetDate": "2024-09-01",
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- "masterAccountNumber": "98568989",
- "hierarchyLevel": 0,
- "hasChildren": false,
- "processingOrg": "12",
- "ytdIntPaid": 323,
- "withheldTax": 323,
- "freeTransactions": 5,
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- "accountCurrency": "USD",
- "currentBalance": 100000,
- "ledgerBalanceInAccountCcy": 100000,
- "ledgerBalanceInLedgerCcy": 100000,
- "party": [
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- "counterPartyShortName": "BANKA",
- "relationship": "OWNER",
- "addedOn": "2024-08-05",
- "depositAccountId": 101,
- "accountId": 1
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- "cardExpiryDate": "2024-08-05",
- "nameOnCard": "xyz",
- "status": "ACtive",
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- "accountId": 1
], - "result": {
- "code": "ACC101",
- "description": "BBCCOO"
}, - "notification": {
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- "legalEntityId": 101,
- "depositAccountId": 101
}, - "rates": {
- "interestType": "FIXED",
- "fixedRate": 12,
- "rateIndex": 0,
- "rateSpread": 0,
- "interestCalculationDay": 30,
- "interestPaymentFrequency": "XYZ",
- "compoundingType": "MONTHLY",
- "interestPayDay": 12,
- "dayCounting": "ACTUALVS360_ACT_360_"
}, - "product": {
- "id": "c1da7e65-d135-40fa-accf-1efef4ecced4",
- "productCode": "VP001",
- "productName": "Virtual Product 001",
- "currency": "USD",
- "maintenanceFee": 12,
- "accountSubType": "Savings",
- "glCurrency": "USD",
- "book": "DEPOSA",
- "feeTier": "GOLD",
- "liabilityGL": "20718894",
- "accruedInterestGL": 20718894,
- "revalPlGl": 20718894,
- "accountNumber": "VP001",
- "offsetGL": 20718894,
- "routingNumber": "126543610",
- "result": {
- "code": "ACC101",
- "description": "BBCCOO"
}, - "statementSettings": {
- "enableDebitAdvice": true,
- "debitLimit": 12,
- "enableCreditAdvice": true,
- "creditLimit": 12